PTSD And Trauma Treatment Programs in Utah | Valley Cares

What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Trauma takes a toll on the mind and body, far beyond the moments in which the terrifying event occurs. When a traumatic event impacts your psychological wellness, causes physical and emotional symptoms and impacts the way you live your life, it is likely that PTSD is a culprit. About 8 million adults experience this condition in a year.

PTSD is an anxiety-based disorder that stems from living through observing or even hearing about an event that was potentially life-threatening or that caused harm to you or someone else. Whether trauma is a result of abuse, military involvement or even natural disaster, it has lasting effects on the mind and body.

A PTSD Treatment Plan

It can feel intimidating to reach out for help when you are struggling with PTSD. Talking about the trauma feels dangerous, yet not talking to a therapist can have a toll on one’s mental and physical health. PTSD treatment is customized to meet the needs of the person being treated. The first steps of PTSD treatment include a thorough assessment to explore the strengths, needs and symptoms one presents. When a thorough assessment has been completed, a PTSD treatment plan is developed to help with symptom management, coping with the trauma and restoring self-esteem. Commonly used tools in the treatment of PTSD include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Trauma-Focused-CBT
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Stress Inoculation Training
  • Medication

PTSD treatments are approached with great planning and care. Prior to getting into trauma exploration, safety measures are developed, including grounding techniques and a variety of coping skills for reducing physical and emotional symptoms. Mental health professionals who work with PTSD are trained to assess triggers and will explore these prior to trauma work. Treatment is gradual and based on stages of readiness to avoid re-traumatization. Safety is always the priority for treating PTSD.

The Symptoms Of PTSD

PTSD symptoms can vary, but often people with this condition have many of the following physical and emotional signs:

  • Increased startle response
  • Depression
  • Hypervigilance (feeling the need to be on guard against danger frequently)
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Nightmares
  • Flashbacks of a traumatic event
  • Intrusive, unwelcome thoughts about the trauma
  • Mood swings, erratic emotions
  • Panic symptoms such as racing heart, shaking hands, sweating, dizziness
  • Persistent avoidance of external reminders of the event
  • Feelings of detachment from others
  • Ongoing extreme negative thoughts about oneself or others
  • Reckless or dangerous behaviors
  • Problems with focus and concentration

What Causes PTSD?

The cause of PTSD roots from stressful, frightening or distressing events that have happened in a person’s life as well as prolonged traumatic experiences. What constitutes PTSD varies from person to person. Some examples are:

It is not uncommon for a veteran to experience PTSD after their service. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, roughly 30% of veterans who served in the Vietnam war had PTSD in their lifetime. Additionally, civilians who were around war zones or had experienced it in their own homeland also experienced PTSD.
Domestic Abuse
Ongoing domestic violence among men, women, and children can result in PTSD. Most of the cases involve child victims within a home or adults in the workplace. PTSD in children from domestic abuse can follow them into adulthood. The disorder may cloth itself in other disorders including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sleep issues, and/or eating disorders.
Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault is responsible for one of the main causes of PTSD in children and women. Typically, these victims have had prolonged exposure by a family member or spouse. This prolonged exposure affects many areas of a person’s life including sexual, medical, and psychological. In the end, this can amalgamate to PTSD or stress disorder.
Car Accidents
Car Accidents contribute as one of the most common causes of PTSD. After an individual experience a car accident, they may have nightmares, flashbacks, or fear of getting into a motor vehicle.
Traumatic Birth
After childbirth, some women may experience PTSD. About 9% of women experience postpartum PTSD. This disorder could either be caused by real or perceived trauma during the delivery process. The individual may experience panic attacks, anxiety, or flashbacks.
Natural Disasters
If an individual has experienced a natural disaster (earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc.) they can experience PTSD. These experiences have impacted a person by a life-threatening event which may result in anxiety or flashbacks which affect their overall well-being.

There can be many reasons why an individual has experienced PTSD. No matter the cause or reason, Valley can help and guide any individual back to living a fulfilled life again.

Dangers Of Untreated PTSD

Sometimes as people with PTSD try to cope with these difficult symptoms, it can result in more deliberate avoidance strategies. Imagine living your life in fear of your own memories, reactions and physiological symptoms. This is a reality for millions of people dealing with PTSD every day. PTSD is an exhausting condition that can drive people to extreme measures in an effort to avoid memory and re-experiencing the trauma on a daily basis. People with PTSD often feel as if they are losing control of their minds and bodies, which contributes to the distress of the condition.

Substance Abuse

People who live with PTSD sometimes resort to substance abuse in an effort to reduce the pain and anxiety of the condition. As a result, long-term challenges with addiction can be a harsh reality for people already suffering on a daily basis. Approximately 59% of young people who develop PTSD will go on to develop a substance abuse problem.

Relationship Challenges

PTSD takes a toll on relationships. For people suffering from the condition, it can be difficult to articulate the thoughts and feelings going on under the surface. Sometimes PTSD can cause unpredictable mood swings that can impact the way loved ones are treated. Untreated PTSD can result in aggression toward loved ones as the fight or flight mechanism is easily triggered.

Health Problems

Those who have experienced trauma to the extent of having PTSD are at a greater likelihood of experiencing health-related problems. Respiratory issues, heart problems, digestive conditions and reproductive concerns are all common for people managing PTSD. Additional ailments include arthritis, diabetes, and pain.

Personalized Treatment For All

The professionals at Valley Behavioral Health are well versed in trauma and use evidence-based approaches that meet the needs of clients dealing with PTSD. As one enters treatment for PTSD, it is important to know that you can trust your practitioner. Valley Behavioral Health providers understand that the relationship between a provider and client is as important as the treatment methods. This is why Valley Behavioral Health hires professionals who understand how to establish trust and create an environment of safety during treatment. When you enter PTSD treatment at Valley Behavioral Health, you can be assured of the most up-to-date treatment options in a compassionate and welcoming setting.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with PTSD symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out for support today at (888) 949-4864. Staying quiet about your symptoms will only worsen the condition over time. Respectful, compassionate help is available. There is no need to hide your symptoms or avoid your life any longer. Let the professionals at Valley Behavioral Health assist you in your healing and regain your sense of self.

The following facilities specialize in treating PTSD in Utah:

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